For the first time since March 2020, we are permitting customers to enter the Roastery to pick up their orders. We are limiting the number of customers to 3, and of course, everyone must wear their mask.

Like most businesses, covid-19 has changed us and our business model. We no longer have an espresso bar at the roastery, and that space is now dedicated to our new roaster, and green coffee storage. We will engage the public by having the roasting in full view, and hold regular cupping events when safe to do so.
Due to the volume of online orders and the need to package local delivery orders first so the van can depart, we can no longer fill counter orders until the afternoon. We want to thank our customers for their steadfast support and patience while we figure out how to serve while safe. As always, we will err on the side of safety and take very cautious steps to return to full service