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Importance of Buying Coffee from a Local Roaster

Importance of Buying Coffee from a Local Roaster

Man Roasting Coffee

Coffee is a staple in many of our daily routines, and it's important to consider where our coffee is coming from.  Purchasing coffee from a local roaster not only supports small businesses in Kingston and Area, but it also ensures that you are getting the freshest and highest quality beans possible.

When coffee is roasted, it releases gases and oils that contribute to the flavor and aroma of the coffee.  As time goes by, these gases and oils dissipate, leading to a loss of flavor and aroma.  By purchasing coffee from North Roast, you can be sure that the beans you are getting have been roasted within the past 7 days, and have not been sitting on a shelf for months.

In addition to the freshness factor, purchasing coffee from North Roast also supports small businesses in your community.  We have dedicated our lives to coffee, invite you into our roastery to observe the process, and take great care in sourcing the finest beans available anywhere.

Another benefit of purchasing from us is that you can learn more about your coffee, where it comes from and the people who grow it.  When you come to our roastery, you can see and touch the raw materials that become your morning cup, and view the bag markings on the burlap bags indicating Origin, Crop, Fairtrade and Organic Certification, and Micro Lot designations.  You can even watch the roasting live in person or watch one of our many Livestream Roasting Events.  

Finally, when you purchase from North Roast, you are reducing the carbon footprint  of your coffee consumption.  Beans that are sourced and roasted locally, AND delivered in a 100% Electric Vehicle reduces your environmental impact.  The fact that we package in 100% compostable bags, which our competitors choose not to, is another compelling reason to support locally roasted North Roast Coffee.

We greatly appreciate the loyalty and enthusiasm our customers have for our coffee.  They know that purchasing coffee from North Roast is a great way to ensure that you are getting the freshest and highest quality beans possible.  It also supports small business in your own community, allows you to learn more about the coffee, and helps to reduce the environmental impact of your coffee consumption.  So the next time you reach for a bag of coffee, consider the benefits and taste the difference for yourself.

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